Minggu, 13 Juli 2014

References And Further Reading

Anderson, Stephen R., 1992, A-morphous Morphology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Aronoff, Mark, 1983, English Word-Formation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hammon, Michael, and Noonan, Michael, eds, 1988, Theoritical Morphology: Approaches in Modern Linguistics, San Diego CA: Academic Press.

Jensen, Jhon T., 1990, Morphology: Word Structure in Generative Grammar, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.

Marchand, Hans, 1969, The Categories and Types of Present-Day English Word-Formation, 2nd edn, Munich: C.H Beck’sche Velagsbuchhandlung.

Matthews, P.H., 1976, Morphology: an Introduction to the Theory of Word Structure, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Scalise, Sergio, 1984, Generative Morphology, Dordrecht, Holland/Cinnaminson, USA. Foris Publications.

Spencer, Andrew, 1991, Morphology Theory: an Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar, London:Blackwell.